Feeling left out on LinkedIn? Learn how to use this social media powerhouse to market yourself to colleagues and clients.
LinkedIn is an oft-neglected, high-potential tool for language professionals to find new clients, connect with colleagues, and create, or boost, their online presence. This presentation will first look at LinkedIn functions, such as creating a multilingual profile, and profile sections, such as Featured and Publications, that are especially useful for translators and interpreters. You’ll learn tips and best practices that can improve the accuracy of your appearance in search results and expand your network with a focus on prospective clients.
You will learn how to:
- Use each of the various LinkedIn profile sections to your best advantage
- Understand the ways to use LinkedIn for networking, research, and client relations
- Utilize LinkedIn to strengthen your other marketing efforts to find clients
About the Presenter
Miriam Hurley is an ATA-certified Italian>English translator specializing in product design, tourism, and social sciences. Since 2019, she has helped fellow language professionals improve their use of LinkedIn through webinars and one-to-one consulting. Originally from Astoria Oregon, Miriam now makes her home in Florence, Italy.
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